Our approach

We maintain a collaborative approach to procurement, working with your senior team, category stakeholders & suppliers to deliver real savings and a positive Return on Investment.

Reviewing all contracts & prioritising opportunities in agreement with key internal stakeholders, underpins the work we do.

Your internal team own the initiatives as much as we do. Changes in business practices & changing suppliers is often very sensitive, so we ensure stakeholders are fully on board & committed before we proceed.

6 stage procurement process

1. Market Insight
1. Market Insight
With more than 10 years of consultancy behind us, and current benchmarking available to us, we have a broad understanding of the markets in all core categories, ensuring we bring that expertise into your business & maximise supply chain benefits & fit for purpose contacts.
Review & Scoping
2. Review & Scoping
2. Review & Scoping
With agreement from your senior team, we assess all your major supply contracts & evaluate opportunities for initial review. Prioritising our work around Contract renewals, lapsed contract, out of contract supply & and suppliers operating on a rate card only.

This initial review, along with key stakeholder meetings allows us to create a project plan of worthwhile opportunities. We align these to your immediate business priorities to create a workable project plan for delivery.
Market Benchmark
3. Market Benchmark
3. Market Benchmark
Working across all sectors & categories gives us the visibility of market data & rates. Benchmarking your agreed contract rates will, in itself, assist us to identify quick wins and projects that can deliver savings in the short & medium term.
Tender & Negotiation
4. Tender & Negotiation
4. Tender & Negotiation
Once projects are agreed and benchmark savings identified, your supply contracts can go to market though tendering or negotiation, ensuing value is returned in any new commercial arrangements.

Supply contracts can be simply or complex, so the depth of review is dictated be the category needs.

We don’t waste time over-complicating either the assessment or tender process.
Review & Scoping
5. Review & Sign Off
5. Review & Sign Off
Stakeholder review of savings & agreement to proceed is very much at the heart of what we do. Without commitment internally & belief in the outcome, new supply arrangements are not likely to succeed

While we can create improvements & cost savings, it’s your business that has to maintain both the relationships & the ongoing contract.
Review & Scoping
6. Implementation
6. Implementation
Once stakeholder are in agreement, we are on hand to ensure smooth implementation, landing the proposed savings, through a collaborative approach with your existing, or new supplier.

Seamless transition to new contracts of supply is key to the success of the project.

'Gain Share' & your
return on investment

The majority of our income is derived directly from savings we deliver into your business. We operate on a competitive retainer, to cover our costs, and a simple ‘gain share’ model. Our model is based on returning savings that far out-weigh any fees. ‘Gain share’ is only paid once the savings have been realised in your P&L.

Our objective with every project is to declare savings, with financial rigour and only invoice our clients once savings hit your bottom line. We use clear analytic documents to ensure transparency of savings between you & your supply base.

Discover how smart procurement can help improve your business